£550 Received Unexpectedly

Today, 25th June, I received a surprise cheque for £300 from Eira Endersbee of St Anne's Parish Church. Eira knits many beautiful jumpers for our children in need in Africa and frequently donates unexpected amounts of money to help the orphans.

This £300 is specially for the building of a two roomed breeze block, safe and secure home for either a child headed family living in dire circumstances or an aged grandparent, carer of many of our orphans, all living in the same abysmal conditions.

I am so very grateful to Eira for her ongoing care, support and generosity for our children who have nothing, not even the basic essentials of life.

Thank you so very much Eira.

Also today I received a cheque for the wonderful amount of a further £250 from Ann Weaver of Sliddery on The Isle of Arran. This donation is to be used for sleeping bags or whatever else is needed by the children to help them through this winter time which they are experiencing right now.

My very grateful thanks go to Sue for her kindness and support.