News from Nancy

Yesterday, April 23rd, I received an email from Nancy thanking all of you who so generously responded to the appeal to help with funding for Nancy's all important medication.

Here is what Nancy said:

Greetings to all, I write this letter in tears, overwhelmed at the love and support I have received from you all. I am so deeply touched that you care so much about my wellbeing. Through your kindness I have renewed hope that I will be able to go on without being hospital bound for months.

I now will be able to get medication for my unending painful legs and arms. You have given me so much relief and if I wasn't in a wheelchair I would be dancing but believe me, I am dancing with joy and praise.

You made it possible for me to undergo MRI scan for both my legs, feet, arms and hands. Through the scan the neurologist has been able to confirm that my chronic peripheral neuropathy (which was caused by my diabetes) has crept from my legs and feet to my arms and fingers. He has prescribed medication to help me maage the pain. Through your help I will be able to buy the medication from the pharmacy as the state hospital does not provide it.

I am really grateful as now there will be less sleeplessnights from the chronic pain I feel. May God Bless you all and reward you for all your kindness, love and support that you have given me and you are giving to the orphans and vulnerable children I care for in our centre.

Yours truely

Nancy Khuzwayo