Project in Africa

On December 31st money was sent out to Africa for the insulation of the five breeze block houses built for families living in the worst conditions imaginable.

These houses now need insulating and I thought it would be a good idea if five young male school leavers could learn how to do this job themselves.

This would give them a sense of purpose and pride  in themselves as there is little chance wihtout university or college of becoming employed.

Khanya knew a man at church who did insulating as his job and she approached him with the idea of him training the boys to do the work themselves. This he is going to do and if all goes well he will put their names forward to buisnesses he knows with the hope of future employment in this field.

The boys will be paid a small amout of money for their efforts. I heard that the boys are very excited at the prospect of learning a trade and doing this work for their own people and I am thrilled to give them this opportunity. I hope in time we can give more school leavers a chance to learn a trade instead of living with a sense of hopelessness in the future after leaving school. Of course this all needsfunding so it is a matter of waiting to see what may turn up financially. Some unexpected backing would be wonderful.