Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.


We have been given an unexpected donation of £1,000 by a Mrs Tania Collins of Walthemastow, East London. Mrs Collins stated that she would like this money to go towards the purchase of the people carrier so badly needed by Frans Ballack of Hope Project.

Africa News

On Monday the 3rd of April our new feeding centre attached to the Thandukuphila Cenre officially opened for the feeding of the Kwazulu AIDS orphans and needy African children living in the more rural areas of Nseleni, Kwazulu.

Sponsored walk update

The Sponsored walk will definately take place on Saturday June 10th 2006. We leave from Richmond Underground at 11am to follow a mapped route to Kew. Part of this walk is along the riverside and this makes for a beautiful walk.

Fundraising event

I am sorry to announce that the charity fundraise provisionally booked for Sept 2nd has now been put on hold until further notice. Any further devolopements will be posted on the website as soon as they are known
