Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

Latest update on support from St Anne's Church.

Yesterday, January 25th I went (as arranged) to the vicarage of St Anne's Church to meet the vicar The Rev Jude Bullock.

Frans Ballack's quarterly report from Africa.

On Friday 20th January the first quarterly report for this year from Project Hope was recived from Frans Ballack. The images lead to full size pages that can be read.

New support from St Anne's Church

On Thursday last 19th January the vicar of St Anne's chuch South Chingford contacted One Life. Having received literature on the charity he became very interested in having One Life as a church project to raise money for.

A meeting has been set up at the viacarage at 10am on Wednesday 25th January to discuss this.

Africa trip and appeal update

I leave U.K. next Sunday 29th of January for my return trip to South Africa. I am taking with me £710 which is the amount received from the bat and ball appeal.

South Africa Appeal

Due to my forthcoming visit to S. Africa an appeal has gone out by email and also attached to mailed newsletters for donations towards the purchase of bats and balls for the Kwazulu children. I cannot transport these from the U.K. so will take out the funds and purchase them on my arrival.
