Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

Raffle Report

Our recently held Raffle raised the grand amount of £150. Thanks to everyone who got involved.

One life in the news

The chingford guardian ran a story recently about the results of our last fund raising event at St Edmunds. See the attached file to read the article.

Money sent out to Frans

On May 3rd, £1,100 was sent out to Frans for the childrens immediate needs.

Fundraising Afternoon

On Saturday April 30th we held a fundraising afternoon which raised the magnificent amount of £1000. The event was well supported by friends, neighbours, local shopkeepers etc, who donated home made cakes and various items for the bingo and raffle prizes.

South Africa Trip

I went to South Africa from mid February to mid March.

I felt the trip was very worthwhile. It was wonderful to see the children we have been supporting and sponsoring, looking so much healthier and happy despite most of them being HIV positive.
