Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

Frans Ballack news article.

On September 14th I received a letter from Frans Ballack of Project Hope and with it was a letter/ news article attachment with very clear photos showing the depth of suffering which is a daily occurence in the lives of the Africans. It also shows what Frans comes into contact with in his day to day life in helping these people.

An unexpected donation

14th September

Sponsored walk update

8th September 2005

So far a total of approx £800 has been raised towards the sponsored walk.

Fundraising from Coedcae School, Llanelli

During Autumn 2004 the members of the Peace Mala Club with some of the teachers at Coedcae School decided they would organise various fundraising events for One Life.

Latest update on sponsored walk

On August 30th £100 was donated by John Neighbour of CAF charity.

On August 31st £200 was donated by Kaleem Hashmi of Boots and Bags South Chingford.

September 8th. So far a total of approx £800 has been raised.
