Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

Response to the Appeal from St Anne's Parish Church

Today, August 26th, I went to the 10am church service held at St Anne's Parish Church.

The Appeal So Far

By today, 25th August, the appeal has raised £2,200. This is a wonderful amount and will do so much to help the children. We are hoping to purchase duvets instead of blankets and are in the process of enquiring about bulk buying at wholesale prices.

A Timely Donation

Early this morning, August 19th, I received a donation of £100 from Eira Endersbee who attends St Anne's parish Church.

Birmingham Holistic Health Centre

On August 15th I was delighted to hear from Stuart Morris of The Birmingham Holistic Health Centre. Stuart has been sponsoring a child from me for many years and continues to do so.

The Very Sad Loss Of A Dear Friend

On July 24th my very dear friend Penny Rolfe passed away.The grief I felt leading up to her death and with the earlier deaths of the seven children in South Africa, was something I have never experienced before nor ever want to experience again.

Apart from losing a treasured friend I lost one of my main charity fundraisers.
