Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

New Year Fund Raise Donatioin

This evening, 5th January, I received a donation of £600 from Debbie Pipe and her friend Fran.

Debbie and Fran organised and held a New Years Eve dance in St Anne's church hall last Monday evening.

A Donation For Nancy

Today, 3rd January 2013, I received a phone call from Rosie Faupel to say she has transferred £500 into the charity account.

This donation is specifically for medication for Nancy.

Another Teenager Loses Her Life

Yesterday, December 29th, I received very sad news from Khanya (Nancy's daughter) in South Africa.

Khanya emailed to tell me that one of our sponsored teenagers, Sibongile Mhembu, had collapsed unexpectedly and died instantly.


Today,22nd December, I have received £140 into One Life, this is made up of £120 from Kaleem Hashmi and a cheque for £20 from Mrs L Burnett a parishioner of St Anne's Parish Church.

Another Wonderful Unexpected Donation

On Tuesday December 18th, I received another wonderful donation of £1,000 from Mr John neighbour of Chingford. John sponsors the educational needs of two of our children in South Africa.
