Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

Coedcae school update

August 2005.

Sponsored walk update

To date (27th August), approximately £500 has already been raised for Daphne's sponsored walk from Assisi to Rome. We are hoping to at least double that amount by the time the walk is completed.

Funds to Africa

On May 3rd 2005 £1100 was sent out to Frans Ballack of Project Hope for the childrens immediate needs.

Sponsored walk response

Today July 29th I received my first response to the Sponsored Walk forms I sent out a few days ago. The cheque I received was for an amazing £100 and I am delighted and feel hopeful now of a fairly good response in the near future.

Children in need of sponsoring

At the moment I have another 24 children on my books in need of sponsoring. School fees for children are needed by the end of November in order to get the money out to S.Africa sometime in December to be paid in early January which is the beginning of the school year out in S.Africa.
