Recent news

This is the archive of all news related to One Life, starting with the most recent.

A Wonderful Donation

Today, May 26th, I have received a massive cheque of £2,000 from John Neighbour of Chingford.

John has always been a most loyal and generous supporter of my charity and I am very grateful to him.

Another Unexpected Donation

Today, 7th May, the charity received an unexpected and very welcome donation of
£200 from Tania Collins of Walthamstow.

Our grateful thanks go to Tania for this wonderful support of our children in need.

A Sponsored Run on September the 8th.

Sally and Johnny Barton and Sinty Barton of Walthamstow will be running a half marathon for One Life on September the 8th.

The initial idea was to run The Marathon but sadly all the places were taken 11 hours after being open for entries for 2014.

More Sad News

The small boy Qiniso who lost his life on April 19th 2013, lived with his siblings and cousins with his grandparents. When the granddad heard of the death of his little grandson he had a heart attack and died a couple of days later.

Two more tragic deaths in Africa

Yesterday, 19th April, I received the very sad news that one of our young volunteers and an 8 year old little boy Qiniso Zulu were hit by a hit and run car whilst waiting for a bus to take them to the hospital to pick up the ARV drugs for the little boy.
